

DNS Proxying

Attackers often prioritize exploiting leaked DNS records, underscoring the importance of concealing them. Our support ensures comprehensive protection to prevent your records from exposure.


How can vecurity help?

Vecurity operates by masking your platform's IP address using our server's own IP address, effectively providing a protective shield that conceals your platform behind our secure network.

  • Hides your origin server IP
  • Vecurity acts as a barrier
  • No loss in speed
  • Stops Layer 4 Threats
  • Misleads attackers
  • Honeypots threats


Stay protected.

Conceal your origin IP

By masking your host address, Vecurity reduces the likelihood of direct attacks on your server. Additionally, our system conducts online scans to trace the origin IP of your platform, which aligns with the one you've provided. This allows us to identify your origin server in our online data sources and report it as an event in your VISE (Vecurity Event Viewer).


completely automatic

Routine Network Scans

Vecurity empowers you to alter your host's IP address and seamlessly update it within our system. This proactive measure mitigates the risk of attackers discovering your host through online services. While you may have confidence in your protection, we conduct these scans as an additional safeguard, recognizing that threats can evolve unpredictably.

aim to mislead..

Cyber Threats

Upon joining Vecurity, you're instantly shielded by our IP Masking technology, ensuring immediate protection. For heightened security, we advise obtaining a new IP address from your hosting provider.


Secure your Platform behind our IP masking technology.

At no cost, mask your IP to remain hidden from attackers.