

The latest news in website malware, security, and performance.


Wordpress LayerSlider Plugin Vulnerability
Critical SQL Injection Flaw in LayerSlider Plugin Threatens WordPress Sites

Uncover the critical SQL injection vulnerability in the LayerSlider plugin for WordPress, identified as CVE-2024-2879, posing a significant threat to web security and how to safeguard your site.


Building a strong secucrity culture
Building a Strong Security Culture: Training your team against cyber threats

Learn how to build a strong security culture within your organization by providing cybersecurity training to your team. Discover strategies for increasing employee awareness and defending against cyber threats effectively.


Navigating the Shutdown of StackPath
Security Industry News: Navigating the Shutdown of StackPath

Following an email delivered on Friday, the 14th of June - 2024, StackPath announced the closure of all StackPath products, and that they would be liquidating all assets for the benefit of their creditors.


Evolution of DDOS Attacks
Decades of Disruption: The Continued Evolution of DDoS Attacks

Learn how to build a strong security culture within your organization by providing cybersecurity training to your team. Discover strategies for increasing employee awareness and defending against cyber threats effectively.


Continuous monitoring and incident response
Monitoring and Incident Response: Elements of a Proactive Strategy

Learn about the importance of continuous monitoring and incident response in maintaining a proactive cybersecurity strategy. Discover key elements and best practices for effective security management.


HTTP Continuation Vulnerability
HTTP/2 CONTINUATION Flood Vulnerability: Protecting Against DoS Attacks

Discover the newly identified CONTINUATION frame vulnerability in HTTP/2 protocol, codenamed HTTP/2 CONTINUATION Flood, and learn how it poses a significant risk for DoS attacks on servers. Find out the implications and the recommended mitigation strategies.


The role of CDNs in website security
The Role of Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) in Website Security

Delve into the pivotal function of Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) in bolstering website security. Discover how CDNs streamline content delivery, enhance performance, and fortify defence's against cyber risks. Learn how Vecurity can help with this.


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